28 research outputs found

    Prolific Inventor Productivity and Mobility: A Western/Asian com-parison. Evidence from US Patent Data for 12 Countries

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    This paper provides new insights into the role of individual inventors inthe innovation process. Individuals are central in this creative process becauseinnovation is not simply a product of firms and organizations; it requiresindividual creativity (Rothaermel and Hess, 2007). We focus our analysis on prolific inventors (a rich sub category of inventors) because they contribute sohugely to national invention totals (Le Bas et al., 2010) and tend to produceinventions that have more economic value (Gambardella et al., 2005; Gay et al.,2008). Converging empirical evidence has established the significance ofprolific inventors (Ernst et al., 2000). Previous studies of prolific (or “key”)inventors have focused more on the firms in which they work or on the industriesin which the firms operate. Narin and Breitzman’s (1995) seminal work on thetopic is based on an analysis of only four firms in a single sector and a recentpaper by Pilkington et al. (2009) uses only two firms. In contrast to these studieson small samples, we use a very large data set which includes thousands ofinventors in thousands of firms from several countries.ArtykuƂ przedstawia nowe spojrzenie na rolę indywidualnych wynalazcĂłw w procesie tworzenia innowacji. Wynalazcy indywidualni stanowią element centralny procesu twĂłrczego. Innowacja nie jest produktem firm i organizacji, wymaga indywidualnej kreatywnoƛci (Rothaermel i Hess 2007). Badanie koncentruje się na analizie pƂodnych wynalazcĂłw. Wynalazcy tej kategorii mają najwyĆŒszy udziaƂ w generowaniu ogóƂu wynalazkĂłw (Le Bas et al. 2010) o wysokiej wartoƛci ekonkomicznej (Gambardella et al. 2005). Poprzednie badania kluczowych wynalazcĂłw skupiaƂy się analizie firm, w ktĂłrych pracują lub w branĆŒach, w ktĂłrych te firmy dziaƂają

    "Interregional mobility, productivity and the value of patents for prolific inventors in France, Germany and the U.K"

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    Regional creative resources include inventors. Policies conducive to inventors’ productivity or attracting productive inventors promote regional development. We build on prior work on inventor mobility and productivity, analyzing German, French and British patents filed in the US by 7,500 “prolific” inventors (fifteen or more inventions). We measure inventor mobility across regions, companies and technologies. We analyze the relationships among mobility, productivity and value. We find geographic mobility increases inventor productivity in the UK and France but not in Germany and geographic mobility is not related to the value of inventions except in Germany where it has a negative effect.Patents, inventor mobility, prolific inventors

    Productivité et mobilité des inventeurs prolifiques : une approche comparative des systÚmes d'innovation de quatre grands pays asiatiques (Chine, Corée, Japon, Taiwan)

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    In this paper we picture and compare national systems of innovation of four Asian countries (China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan) with some characteristics of their prolific inventors. The evolutionary model of the growth of knowledge through recombination enables us to explain the inventor productivity, mobility as well as their mobility and the value of their invention. Thanks to patents date from the NBER data set we can estimate a set of relations. Our findings are: 1) the determination of the invention value by the inventor productivity is verified for the four countries,2) inter firms mobility has a positive impact on productivity in China et Taiwan but no impact in Korea and Japan, 3) inventor international mobility play a role on invention value in Taiwan.Dans ce texte nous décrivons et comparons les systÚmes d'innovation de quatre grands pays asiatiques (Chine, Corée, Japon, Taiwan) à partir de quelques caractéristiques des inventeurs les plus productifs de ces pays. On mobilise le modÚle évolutionniste de production de connaissance par recombinaisons pour expliquer la productivité, la mobilité et la valeur des inventions de ces inventeurs prolifiques. Les données de brevets de la base du NBER permettent d'estimer une série de relations. Nos principaux résultats sont : validité pour tous les pays de la loi expliquant la valeur des inventions par la productivité de l'inventeur, la mobilité inter firmes ne joue aucun rÎle sur la productivité des inventeurs au Japon et en Corée, elle a un impact positif sur leur productivité en Chine et à Taiwan, la mobilité internationale des inventeurs prolifiques joue un rÎle dans la détermination de la valeur des inventions à Taiwan

    Mobility, Productivity and Patent Value for Asian Prolific Inventors : China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, 1975 - 2010

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    We provide new insights into the role of individual inventors in innovation. We focus our analysis on prolific inventors in China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. We analyse patents issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to thousands of inventors from those countries between 1975 and 2010 to investigate the role that mobility plays in the behaviour of prolific inventors. We hypothesize that mobility affects : (1) the productivity of prolific inventors and, (2) the value of their inventions. We compare findings for each of the countries with those for inventors in North America, Western Europe and Australia & New Zealand

    Value of invention, prolific inventor productivity and mobility: evidence from five countries, 1975-2002

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    The aim of this paper is to provide new insights into (1) the determinants of the value of inventions and (2) the role that mobility plays in the behavior of prolific inventors, whom we identify based on the number of patents exceeding a threshold of productivity. We examine mobility in two dimensions: from firm to firm (inter-firm) and from one technical field to another. We exploit data on patents filed by inventors from five countries (France, the UK, Germany, the US and Japan) in the US Patent and Trademark office during the period from 1975 to 2002. From our regressions we obtain a rich set of results. In particular we show that: (1) as predicted by evolutionary theory, inventor productivity is a positive determinant of invention value, (2) inter-firm mobility is a consistently positive determinant of productivity and (3) technological mobility is a negative determinant. The last implies that the more specialized an inventor is, the higher his productivity is.prolific inventor; mobility; productivity; value of invention

    ProductivitĂ© et mobilitĂ© des inventeurs prolifiques : une approche comparative des systĂšmes d’innovation de quatre grands pays asiatiques (Chine, CorĂ©e, Japon, Taiwan)

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    Dans ce texte, nous dĂ©crivons et comparons les systĂšmes d’innovation de quatre grands pays asiatiques (Chine, CorĂ©e, Japon, Taiwan) Ă  partir de quelques caractĂ©ristiques des inventeurs les plus productifs de ces pays. Nous mobilisons le modĂšle Ă©volutionniste de production de connaissance par recombinaisons pour expliquer la productivitĂ©, la mobilitĂ© et la valeur des inventions de ces inventeurs prolifiques. Les donnĂ©es de brevets de la base du NBER permettent d’estimer une sĂ©rie de relations. Nos principaux rĂ©sultats sont : la loi expliquant la valeur des inventions par la productivitĂ© de l’inventeur est valide pour tous les pays ; la mobilitĂ© interfirmes ne joue aucun rĂŽle sur la productivitĂ© des inventeurs au Japon et en CorĂ©e, elle a un impact positif sur leur productivitĂ© en Chine et Ă  Taiwan ; la mobilitĂ© internationale des inventeurs prolifiques joue un rĂŽle dans la dĂ©termination de la valeur des inventions Ă  Taiwan. Le degrĂ© de spĂ©cialisation technologique des inventeurs impacte la productivitĂ© (positivement) et la mobilitĂ© (nĂ©gativement).In this paper we picture and compare national systems of innovation of four Asian countries (China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan) with some characteristics of their prolific inventors. The evolutionary model of the growth of knowledge through recombination enables us to explain the inventor productivity, mobility as well as their mobility and the value of their invention. Thanks to patents date from the NBER data set we can estimate a set of relations. Our findings are: 1) the determination of the invention value by the inventor productivity is verified for the four countries, 2) inter firms mobility has a positive impact on productivity in China et Taiwan but no impact in Korea and Japan, 3) inventor international mobility play a role on invention value in Taiwan. Inventor technological specialization has a positive effect on his productivity and a negative effect on his mobility.En este texto describimos y comparmos los sistemas de innovaciĂłn de cuatro grandes paĂ­ses asiĂĄticos (China, Corea, Japon, Taiwan) a partir de algunas caracterĂ­sticas de los inventores los mĂĄs productivos de esos paĂ­ses. Para ello hemos movilizado el modelo evolucionista de producciĂłn de conocimientos por recombinaciones para explicar la productividad, la movilidad y el valor de la invenciones de esos inventores prolĂ­feros. Los datos de las patentes (brevets) de la base del NBER permiten estimar una serie de relaciones. Nuestros principales resultados son : la ley que explica el valor de las invenciones por la productividad del inventor es vĂĄlida para todos los paĂ­ses : la mobilidad interfirmas no juega ningun papel sobre la productividad de los inventores de JapĂłn y de Korea, pero es positivo sobre la productividad de China y Taiwan. La movilidad internacional de los inventores prolĂ­ficos ha jugado un papel en la determinaciĂłn del valor de ls invenciones en Taiwan. El grado de especializaciĂłn tecnolĂłgica de los inventores impacta sobre la productividad (positivamente) y sobre la movilidad (negativamente)

    The Complex Relationship between Value of Invention, Prolific Inventor Productivity and Mobility: a Five Countries Analysis, 1975-2002

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    El objetivo de este artĂ­culo es proporcionar un nuevo entendimiento de 1) las determinan-tes del valor de las invenciones y 2) el papel que juega la movilidad en los inventores prolĂ­ficos, identificados como tales con base en el nĂșmero de patentes que exceden el umbral de productividad. La movilidad es examinada en dos dimensiones: de firma a fir-ma (interfirma) y entre campos tĂ©cnicos. Se utilizan datos de patentes registradas por in-ventores de cinco paĂ­ses (Francia, Reino Unido, Alemania, Estados Unidos y JapĂłn) en la uspto durante el periodo de 1975 a 2002. Los resultados de las regresiones muestran que 1) tal como predice la teorĂ­a evolutiva, la productividad de los inventores es una determi-nante positiva del valor de la invenciĂłn, 2) la movilidad interfirmas es una determinante consistentemente positiva en la productividad y 3) la movilidad tecnolĂłgica es una deter-minante negativa

    Value of invention, prolific inventor productivity and mobility: evidence from five countries, 1975-2002

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    The aim of this paper is to provide new insights into (1) the determinants of the value of inventions and (2) the role that mobility plays in the behavior of prolific inventors, whom we identify based on the number of patents exceeding a threshold of productivity. We examine mobility in two dimensions: from firm to firm (inter-firm) and from one technical field to another. We exploit data on patents filed by inventors from five countries (France, the UK, Germany, the US and Japan) in the US Patent and Trademark office during the period from 1975 to 2002. From our regressions we obtain a rich set of results. In particular we show that: (1) as predicted by evolutionary theory, inventor productivity is a positive determinant of invention value, (2) inter-firm mobility is a consistently positive determinant of productivity and (3) technological mobility is a negative determinant. The last implies that the more specialized an inventor is, the higher his productivity is.Le but de ce papier est de fournir de nouveaux Ă©clairages sur (1) les dĂ©terminants de la valeur des inventions, (2) le rĂŽle que pourrait jouer la mobilitĂ© sur le comportement des inventeurs prolifiques (que nous dĂ©finissons comme les inventeurs ayant franchi un seuil en termes de productivitĂ©). Nous examinons la mobilitĂ© entre firmes et entre champs technologiques. Nous exploitons une base de donnĂ©es de brevets dĂ©posĂ©s Ă  l'US patent office dans la pĂ©riode 1975-2002 et concernant 5 pays (France, Royaume-Uni, Allemagne, USA et Japon). Nous obtenons de 4 rĂ©gressions pour chacun des pays un riche ensemble de rĂ©sultats. On montre que : (1) ainsi que le prĂ©dit la thĂ©orie Ă©volutionniste la productivitĂ© de l'inventeur est un dĂ©terminant positif de la valeur des inventions (2) dans l'Ă©quation de productivitĂ© des inventeurs la mobilitĂ© inter firme est toujours positive alors que la mobilitĂ© technologique est significativement nĂ©gative. Cela signifie que plus un inventeur est spĂ©cialisĂ© (en termes de champs technologiques) plus il est productif en termes d‟inventions